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Classification of a Multi-mode Parallel Manipulator Based on the Type and Number of Operation Modes

主讲人 :Xianwen Kong(Heriot-Watt University) 地点 :自动化学院会议室(教四楼126) 开始时间 : 2019-12-18 10:30 结束时间 : 2019-12-18 12:30


The type/number of operation modes of a parallel manipulator (PM) may vary with the link parameters of the PM. Recent advances in mathematics enable the research on the impact of a PM on its type/number of operation modes. This paper presents a systematic classification of a 3-RER PM based on the type/number of operation modes. The 3-RER PM was originally proposed as a 3T1R PM in the literature. At first, a set of constraint equations of the 3-RER PM is derived. Then using a method called Grobner cover to calculate the comprehensive Grobner system of parametric polynomial systems, the 3-RER PM is classified into 21 types. After determining the operation modes of all the types of 3-RER PMs using primary decomposition of ideals, redundant types and factors influencing the type/number of operation modes of the 3-RER PM are also identified. Besides the two 4-DOF (degree-of-freedom) 3T1R operation modes, different types of 3-RER PMs may have up to two more 3- DOF or other types of 4-DOF operation modes. This work is the first systematic study on the impact of link parameters on the operation modes of the 3-RER PM and provide a solid foundation for further research on the design and control of 3-RER PMs and other multi-mode (or reconfigurable) PMs.



主讲人简介:孔宪文博士目前就职于英国Heriot-Watt University, 其研究领域包括:机构学与机器人及应用。近年来在多模式并联机构与可重构分析、高精度柔性并联机构设计与应用取得了突出的进展。他提出了自成体系的并联机构构型综合的虚拟链法。其学术专著Type Synthesis of Parallel Mechanisms已以英、俄和中三种文字出版。在本学科领域的最权威期刊和会议上(包括International Journal of Robotics Research、ASME Journal of Mechanical Design、IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation、Mechanism and Machine Theory、ASME IDETC、ARK等)发表百余篇学术论文,多篇文章的引用率高达100次以上。孔博士目前是ASME机构学与机器人委员会委员。担任多个国际期刊(Mechanism and Machine Theory,(ASME) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,  Mechanical Sciences) 的副主编。



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